좋은 글
https://www.joinc.co.kr/w/man/12/airbnbDesign Airbnb System design 분석 예약 서비스의 작동 프로세스 www.joinc.co.kr https://www.joinc.co.kr/w/man/12/uberSystemDesign Uber System Design 분석 Pre-Trip 시퀀스 다이어그램 www.joinc.co.kr https://medium.com/29cm/%EC%9C%A0%EC%A0%80-%EC%A3%BC%EB%AC%B8-%EC%B7%A8%EC%86%8C-%EA%B8%B0%EB%8A%A5-java-%EC%A0%84%ED%99%98%EA%B8%B0-d218e5ecb874 유저 주문 취소 기능 Java 전환기 29CM 백엔드팀은 Python + Dj..
macOS Monterey의 5000번 포트
What is using Port 5000 on macOS Monterey? I’ve been fiddling a bit with Wails recently and I gave the unreleased v2 alpha a try. Out of the box, it binds to Port 5000 and I was surprised to receive a 403 Forbidden. Definitely not what I expected. We can use the lsof utility to figure out what’ utf9k.net 요약하면 새로 추가된 기능 중 하나인 airplay to mac을 위한 listener가 디폴트로 켜져 있고, 그 포트가 로컬 5000번 포트를 점유하고 있다는 내용..
k8s commands 04
kubectl get pods --selector env=dev kubectl get pods --selector bu=finance kubectl get all kubectl get all --selector env=prod kubectl get pods --selector env=prod,bu=finance,tier=frontend kubectl taint nodes NODE_NAME key=value:TAINT_EFFECT kubectl taint nodes node1 app=blue:NoSchedule kubectl describe node kubemaster | grep Taint kubectl get nodes kubectl describe node node01 | grep Taints kub..
k8s commands 03
kubectl run nginx-pod --image=nginx:alpine kubectl run redis --image=redis:alpine --dry-run=client -o=yaml > redis-pod.yaml kubectl expose pod redis --port=6379 --name redis-service kubectl create deployment webapp --image=nginx --replicas=3 kubectl run custom-nginx --image=nginx --port=8080 kubectl create deployment redis-deploy --image redis --namespace dev-ns --replicas=2 kubectl run httpd --..
k8s commands 02
kubectl get namespaces kubectl get pods --namespace=NAMESPACE_NAME kubectl run POD_NAME --image=IMAGE_NAME --namespace=NAMESPACE_NAME kubectl delete pod POD_NAME --namespace=NAMESPACE_NAME kubectl get pods --all-namespaces kubectl -n dev get svc db-service.dev.svc.cluster.local kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80 Imperative kubectl edit deployment nginx kubectl replace -f nginx.yaml (apply..
k8s commands 01
kubectl get pods kubectl run POD_NAME --image=IMAGE_NAME kubectl get pods -o wide kubectl describe pod POD_NAME | grep image kubectl delete pod POD_NAME kubectl run POD_NAME --image=IMAGE_NAME --dry-run=client -o yaml > pod-definition.yaml kubectl apply -f application.yaml kubectl edit pod POD_NAME kubectl get replicaset kubectl get rs kubectl create -f replicaset-definition-1.yaml kubectl delet..